"Lately My people have risen up as an enemy—You pull off the robe with the garment from those who trust you, as they pass by, like men returned from war.” (Micah 2:8)
Today, we are going to examine the word "trust" and how it relates to the practical and biblical principles for "Spiritual" growth. In essence, "trust" is the assured confidence and faith in a person or something with a complete vitality of the mind, spirit, and body. Trust is further defined assured resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship, or other sound principle of another person; Confidence; Reliance; Assured anticipation; Dependence upon something future or contingent, as of present or actual; Hope; Belief; That which is committed or intrusted to one; Something received in confidence; Charge; Deposit; The condition or obligation of one to whom anything is confided; Responsible charge or office; That upon which confidence is reposed; Ground of reliance and hope; To serve truly; An estate devised or granted in confidence to a grantee; A business organization or combination consisting of a number of firms or corporations operating and often united under an agreement creating a trust (to act lawful, a purpose to regulate supply, pricing commodities, and trade); To place confidence in; To rely on; To confide or repose faith in; As we can not trust those who have deceived us; To give credence to; To believe; To credit; To commit to one’s care; Assured faith; and Complete confidence in a person or plan.
In the business world, it is called "trust and agreement," two key characteristics of people and leaders to act truly and lawful in all actions. It is a leadership quality, ability, and service, to build oneself and healthy relationships to make an impact globally. The "trust" has a direct connection between "agreement" in the faith someone will act in integrity at all times what was agreed upon. The "trust" approach known as the three “B’s” is the foundation in building, binding, and bridging relationships to operate as one organism in wholeness for the greater impact in society. There is good trust and bad trust known by the affect on a person and effect on an organization.
In the context of the scripture, Micah, a Prophet sent by God, gives a profound word from the LORD left on record for all people and leadership the importance of guarding the trust of oneself and spirit in the hands of another. For instance, personally, I call this, "Turn-The-Wheel-Tight-Reverse." It is the ability to look beyond a person’s outer appearance into the spirit, testing the confidence in time and over time, and reversing the wheel of life to see what comes out. You turn the wheel tight enough and reverse it, it will spin, but the traction will stop at a certain point, revealing the pressure magnitude of durability. Thought to ponder: "To entrust is only a mere shadow; But true trust is the only bridge of life.” It is an in-depth ability to know entrust is a status conferred upon as a duty with an agreement of the expected outcome. But, trust is a revealer of the “heart” to act with integrity, relying not only on the superficial character; the ability to produce sustainable life through adversity. Therefore, unveiling the “true” value and worth in a relationship. This disposition has the spirit of life only. At this level, the genuineness of trust unveils truth in character on three dimensional levels.
What lessons can be learned about "Trust" and "Agreement?" There are five (5) important lessons. Discovering the "Truth" in "Know," "What," and "Does the Trust Warrant Fortitude?"
Lessons Learned About Trust and Agreement
In closing, know true "trust" unveils the depth of a person’s integrity; Know “trust” unveils the intent of the heart; Know the value and worth of a relationship is determined by trust; Know you have a choice to choose honor or dishonor. Know trust requires building, binding, and bridging to sustain and produce life. Know a person’s “character” is unveiled through trust. Know true “trust” transforms and changes lives for the greater in society. Know “trust” is a revealer and exposes an enemy. Know you are not a product of the environment, you are not a product of life trails, and you are not a product of people. Remember, an environment of life is a progressive climate and culture of growth. Change your environment if needed. Change your view if needed. Change your trust connections if needed. Speak life, grow, and lead! "You Have Value!" "You Have Worth!" "You Have Purpose!" "Does the Trust Warrant Fortitude?"
Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,
Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author
eLearners and Podcast Learners, 4,832k, 2018-2022. For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact ckelly_destinedforagreatwork@yahoo.com
For A Great Work, LLC