For A Great Work, LLC
Today's Devotional, 2 Timothy 2:5, 15, "Growing in Grace and Knowledge."
This devotional is aimed at our youth, young adults, and the young at heart pursuing higher education in college and doctoral professions. The Apostle Timothy gives a word of instruction to his beloved friends in striving for masteries in knowledge and growing in grace through the Word of God to shew themselves approved rightly dividing the word of truth.
This has both biblical principles and practical principles for daily living. As "True Believers" and all people around the world, education is a defining mechanism in the global world as a stepping stone to the next level. Without keeping abreast in the knowledge the lawful way (educational system) and the biblical way (studying God's Word, The Holy Bible) we are limited in progressing in this present world. Education does not define our success, but it does assist in being successful in accomplishing academic, professional, and ministry goals. In addition, education + character + experience + God's Wisdom = An individual making a difference and impact for the greater in society.
Timothy gives six important instructions in educating one's self to grow in excellence, knowledge, and God's wisdom; not to be influenced by false teachers of no avail and limited in growth.
Six Important Instructions:
I, personally believe education is important in achieving individual goals in life and every individual should have the same educational resources to reach their full potential. We must understand Jesus himself was educated through God the Father, the disciples were educated, but needed Jesus to be something.
In closing, remembering an essay my son, Schezarone Carter wrote, he started with one of Martin Luther King, Jr. favorite quotes, "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
Be Blessed, stay connected to Jesus, and pursue your education,
Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author
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